Market Models
We develop “market models” on several sectors in Mexico and Latin America, our main business units are:
Energy and Mining: Oil & Gas, Power Generation and T&D, Equipment For Mining Operations; Diesel & gas power plants, Gas Turbines, Gas Compressors, etc.
Renewables and Biofuels: bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas (manure, landfills, and other wastes). Hydroelectric, solar, wind and geothermal power and related equipment, reactors, compressors, turbines for wind and hydroelectric generation; solar power, photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems, solar power plants and passive solar heating.
Manufacturing: automotive, aerospace, machinery and equipment, chemical industry, plastic and rubber, electronic components and equipment, and other manufacturing industries.
We develop "market models" in all the mentioned business units for companies in America, Europe, and Asia.
We work mainly with private industry, but also with consulting firms, associations, and chambers of commerce, to provide “market models” that are fed with data and information about production, sales, market share and market size, competitors, buyers, suppliers, end users, distribution channels, prices, regulatory framework; trade indicators, investments and could include other modules to link other sensible information such as macroeconomic variables or other industry specific indicators.
Why LAMIG Latam Market Models are Different to Traditional Consulting Studies?
What makes our market models different vs traditional consulting studies is that our final product is not a simple report in PDF format.
A traditional consulting report only reflects the state of a market in a moment of the time (a snapshot), so the study loses its validity in a few months.
To understand a market, our clients must have as much information as possible, and that is not achieved in 2 or 3 months, which is what can be analyzed with a conventional consulting report, rather what is obtained it is a “snapshot” of the market for a period for a certain year.
Markets behave extremely dynamically, and if the data of the model cannot be updated, adjusted, or modified, then the study only becomes a benchmark, so it is quite risky to make decisions due to the low confidence interval of the information (around 60%).
The “snapshot” of the market becomes even more wrong under an increasingly dynamic and transversal commercial environment.
LAMIG Consulting's "market models" are easy-to-use models developed in excel, which can be fed with new information, either to carry out market simulations, correct errors or introduce new information, such as: variation in production, sales, or prices; variation in the participation or composition of the market, variations in plant capacity, variations in raw material prices, and so on.
In this way, the model will begin to reflect the reality of the market more accurately (which in no case is 100% true). With a good maintenance and feeding of the “market model” values around 90% or 95% of confidence interval could be reached.

Our "market models" consist in 2 deliverables:
A “market model” in excel format
Final reports in PPT format (includes a copy in PDF format). This way, our customers could modify and update their presentations any time the excel model is modified and/or improved.
LAMIG´s market models are scalable, timeless, and modular.
Our market models can be adapted or tropicalized for any market, country, or year. This is achieved simply by modifying the value and the name of the components of the model, such as competitors, end users, distributors, prices, etc; and they are suitable for practically any industry.
It is important to understand that the model must be maintained, feeding it with new information. Is recommended to update the market model every 3 or 6 months.
Modular Models. To improve the confidence interval of the market model, modules can be added, allowing the model to react to different variables, such as macroeconomic variables (inflation, unemployment rates, balance of payments, etc.), financial ratios, or specific indicators for each industry, such as: installed capacity or gross fixed investment.